Don't invest unless you're prepared to lose money. This is a high-risk investment. You may not be able to access your money easily and are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 minutes to learn more.

The Assetz Capital platform is no longer open to investment from individual investors. No new investments into peer-to-peer loans are possible and, as a result, no new funds should be deposited. The existing loan book relating to the Retail platform is now in run-off and this will, over time, deliver the return of capital to investors. Full information can be found here . Existing Retail lenders can still log in, view information regarding their account and loan holdings and operate their account in accordance with the information regarding the run-off provided on the link above. Please see this important message regarding the currency of the information on the pages on this website.

In the news this week...

In the news this week...

The various internal departments from our headquarters get the chance to summarise their last six months and take a look at how we can continue to provide our fast and flexible funding solutions for all.


CEO Stuart Law also introduced the new, improved company branding and enhanced corporate message to the whole team:

‘It’s great to have all of our Relationship Directors in one place for our Winter Conference. We like to make sure all the RD’s are well-connected and this gives everyone a chance to do that. It’s also a good platform to welcome all of our new starters, too.’


It's been a great year for our Sales Team who have funded over £180m in loans for around 160 projects across the UK. To see where each of the Relationship Directors are located and if they can help you with funding, click here:

- December 6, 2017