The Assetz Capital peer-to-peer lending Retail platform is in run-off. The “old” web site “brochure” content is being retained for the benefit of those who invested via the Retail platform before it moved into run-off, as there should be no unnecessary obstacles to those Retail investors accessing information which they may have relied upon in the past when making their investment decisions while the platform was still live. For that reason, much of the “brochure” web site still reflects the situation prior to the move into run-off and should not be considered as current information. However, some sections of the web site are being maintained and are receiving periodic updates; this is typically in places where lenders have an interest in seeing the information in question refreshed over time. Examples include things like defaults and losses statistics, or data on the performance of the provision funds. In these sections, the information is still being updated periodically to reflect the changing situation so that lenders can see how things are moving during the course of the run-off.
Sections of the “brochure” web site which are still receiving periodic updates are marked clearly with a banner and a border, as shown below.

Unless clearly marked with such a banner or a border, please consider all sections of the “brochure” web site as for historical reference only: the information is not being updated and reflects the platform in its pre- run-off state. Please view it in that context.
Please also note that the above applies only to the “brochure” sections of the web site, not to your Dashboard or the screens associated with the running of your account.