Don't invest unless you're prepared to lose money. This is a high-risk investment. You may not be able to access your money easily and are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 minutes to learn more.

The Assetz Capital platform is no longer open to investment from individual investors. No new investments into peer-to-peer loans are possible and, as a result, no new funds should be deposited. The existing loan book relating to the Retail platform is now in run-off and this will, over time, deliver the return of capital to investors. Full information can be found here . Existing Retail lenders can still log in, view information regarding their account and loan holdings and operate their account in accordance with the information regarding the run-off provided on the link above. Please see this important message regarding the currency of the information on the pages on this website.

Spotting Suspicious Activity

Spotting Suspicious Activity

What should you do if you receive suspicious communication?

We urge you to remain vigilant and look out for any suspicious communications requesting information or payment. Please be cautious of any communications purporting to come from us, particularly if any factor is different (e.g. a different phone number, address, email, voice, instruction etc.). Please remember that we will never contact you unprompted to ask for your account details or security information and we will never ask you to disclose your passwords.

How to spot phishing emails

Phishing scams can be very sophisticated, please be cautious of emails that:

· Appear to be from Assetz Capital, but are not from one of our mailing addresses which usually end “”;

· Make urgent appeals for fast action;

· Ask you to make an online payment;

· Include attachments that may contain viruses; and

· Contain links to sites that are malicious or unsavoury.

If you think you have been sent a phishing email, delete it immediately.

If you suspect any suspicious activity, you should report it to your local police or contact us via the details below.

0800 470 0430 (option 1), via Live Chat on our website or email, Monday to Friday 9am - 5.30pm.

- February 11, 2020