Key Account Information
Manual Lending Account
Minimum & maximum investment
The Manual Lending Account (MLA) has £1 minimum and no maximum investment.
Loans included within this account should typically repay between one month and five years based on their contracted repayment dates (their due date for repayment). However, the account permits you to attempt to sell part or all of your investment in a given loan at your request at any time prior to that via the Aftermarket, subject to continued demand for these loans from other investors.
Likely yield
Loans available to invest in within the MLA range from annual interest rates of 5.00 - 11.80% p.a. (before tax and losses). No provision fund is available on this account. You could receive less than this quoted rate of return per loan if a loan was to default and the security taken turned out to be less in a recovery than originally expected and valued.
Loan selection criteria
All loans that pass Assetz Capital credit policy and have available loan units may be held within the Manual Lending Account.
Account allocation
The Manual Lending Account allows you to manually buy and sell loans which you choose from those available on the Assetz Capital platform. You should consider diversifying the funds which you allocate to it across many loans at any given time in order to spread your risk.
Asset Security
Described in the Credit Report of every loan, to which you should refer when selecting loans for your MLA.
You will have the ability to add to or reduce your investment in your account. If after your initial purchase you would like to increase or decrease the amount invested in your account then, subject to availability and demand, you may do so, provided the loan is not suspended and remains tradeable.
You will receive interest and/or capital repayments on loans within your account and you can choose to set your account to automatically re-invest such income back into the account (if it is still open for investment) or back into your Cash Account for investment in other loans or Investment Accounts.
Account closure
The Manual Lending Account will be open for an undetermined period. However, at some point the Account Series may be closed for investment and all capital and interest received back on loans within this Account over time will be repaid to your cash account or to another Account of your choice.
No Provision Fund
This investment account does not participate in the Assetz Capital Provision Fund. Please see the main Provision Fund terms for full details and the accounts that it protects.
Alternative investment opportunity
It is also possible to invest automatically in loans in the various other automatic Investment Accounts on our platform. These other accounts are designed to automatically diversify you and invest in different selected loans according to each Investment Account investment objective. They also may have the benefit of our Provision Fund (see above). If you are short of time or want the added protection of a Provision Fund please consider these accounts and read more about them here.