Don't invest unless you're prepared to lose money. This is a high-risk investment. You may not be able to access your money easily and are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 minutes to learn more.

The Assetz Capital platform is no longer open to investment from individual investors. No new investments into peer-to-peer loans are possible and, as a result, no new funds should be deposited. The existing loan book relating to the Retail platform is now in run-off and this will, over time, deliver the return of capital to investors. Full information can be found here . Existing Retail lenders can still log in, view information regarding their account and loan holdings and operate their account in accordance with the information regarding the run-off provided on the link above. Please see this important message regarding the currency of the information on the pages on this website.


What's going on at Assetz Capital? These news articles, blogs and press releases will keep you up-to-date with what we're doing and what we think.

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Investing In Green Has Been A Great Success

Assetz Capital has seen the Green Energy Income Account, which lends only to renewable energy projects such as wind farms, attract more than £0.75m worth of investment since its launch late last year.

- January 20, 2015

A New Report on Peer To Business Lending Released

As one of the leading peer to peer Business lenders in the UK Assetz Capital has sponsored an independent and comprehensive report into the peer-to-business alternative finance sector.

- January 14, 2015

A New Invoice Finance Solution Announced For Assetz Capital

We’re proud to announce we will now be offering an invoice finance product, following our most recent partnership with The Interface Financial Group (IFG), one of America’s largest alternative finance sources for SMEs.

- January 5, 2015

What do you get when you cross a bank with a peer-to-peer lender?

Much has been made of recent tie-ups between big, established financial institutions and up-and-coming peer-to-peer lenders.

Peer-to-peer lending is rightly seen as a different way of doing banking, and so for some, a collaboration between a P2P platform and a bank is a kind of betrayal of principles.

However, from a purely pragmatic point of view, collaborating with banks is practical, pragmatic and – most importantly – helpful for SMEs

- December 9, 2014

Awards season

While awards aren’t the only way we measure our success (satisfied lenders and borrowers are a better indicator of that), it’s great to be recognised for good work by our peers in the industry.

- November 28, 2014

Why “tech bubble” beats “quantitative easing”

The words we use to talk about finance matter a great deal. In “How to Speak Money”, John Lanchester argues that the language used by those in the finance industry is excessively complex – no surprises there – and that this complexity means that ordinary people are excluded from debates around important issues, almost entirely because of jargon.

- November 24, 2014

Green light for green loans

If you were to ask someone whether they’d expect to earn a good return from investing in green energy, they might well say no. We’ve come to expect profit to take a back seat when an ethical concern like the environment is involved, and it seems we’d rather become rich in good karma than see any significant monetary gain. 

- November 18, 2014

Assetz Capital passes £50m in peer-to-peer lending

2014 has been quite a year for peer-to-peer lending. Announcements from the Government have boosted the industry – the P2P ISA consultation was recently announced – and FCA regulation has provided additional protections for P2P investors.

There have been big developments for us too: the amount we’ve been lending each month has steadily increased, by an average of approximately 15 per cent month on month. 

- November 10, 2014

What would another recession mean for peer-to-peer lending?

Peer-to-peer lending has become a powerful force, and the industry has now accounted for £2bn of lending to date. As it continues to grow exponentially, that figure might even have an extra zero on it in the next couple of years.

- October 17, 2014

Peer-to-peer ISAs

The Government has launched a consultation into the final detail of how it intends to create a separate type of ISA for peer-to-peer (P2P) investments. Stuart Law, founder and CEO of Assetz Capital, one of the UK's fastest-growing P2P lenders, commented:

- October 17, 2014

A Guide to FCA Regulations for Peer-to-Peer Lending

In April 2014, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) began regulating the peer-to-peer lending market. Although a number of platforms voluntarily enforced rules and regulations before the change, there are now compulsory rules to be followed by all P2P lending platforms.

We have created this guide so we can take a more in depth look at what the FCA do and how their new regulations for P2P lending platforms has affected the industry.

- October 2, 2014

Defaults and Losses: What You Need to Know

We believe it’s important to be transparent with figures and strive to make every aspect of our business accessible and open.

Part of this involves reporting on defaults and losses in our loan book. Furthermore, the P2P Finance Association recently announced that it would standardise the way in which its members report on defaults and losses.

Here we take you through our defaults and losses for 2013 and 2014 to date.

- September 26, 2014

The Financial Crash: Is Peer-to-Peer Lending the Solution?

During the five years since the financial crash, it’s been nearly impossible to flick through the business section of a newspaper without reading about the lack of available funding for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

- September 23, 2014

Paul Moore, changing the face of the financial world

Paul Moore is someone you can rely on to speak out when there’s a better or more ethical way of doing things. When he shot to prominence in 2009, it was for doing something that few had dared to do – speak out against some of the worst excesses in banking, which would precede the most serious recession in a generation. Acting with integrity is what Paul has built his career on – and his work with Assetz Capital is testament to that.

- September 23, 2014

P2P Lending is Evolving: The Strongest will Succeed

Gone are the days when people would say peer-to-peer lending was a fad or something trendy to talk about around the coffee table.

The sector has come of age and become recognised by the Government both as a means to encourage lending to SMEs and as a way to provide higher returns for investors.

- September 19, 2014

What do NISAs Mean for P2P Investors?

In March, George Osborne made an announcement that could have a big impact on peer-to-peer lending: investors would be able to include P2P loans in their ISAs, potentially giving them access to tax-free returns through P2P platforms.

- September 12, 2014